Thursday 16 April 2015

Glendon Place SAL Mk II

Just a quick update today as I've spent most of the day in bed with a migraine :(

But I give you my April 15 progress report for the Glendon Place SAL:

Now on to the second page at least!  

Sunday 29 March 2015

Stitch from Stash - March Update

Spent: $0
Earned: $0 (but oh so close for TWO finishes!)

Overall total: -$34.55

I haven't counted it in the monthly spend as it's a year long mystery released in parts (so therefore exempt) but I did purchase the new Chatelaine Mystery which is the Summer Mandala.  As it's a mystery I won't show the picture here, but if you are interested you can see the final design here.

Short update I know, however I hope to receive my birthday goodies soon and will post a bigger update then.

Saturday 28 February 2015

February HAP SAL Update

As previously mentioned I'm participating in the HAP SAL over at Crossed Stitches.  I'm using my biggest project, which I like to refer to as my SHAP (Super Huge A*** Project) being the 520 x 512 Super Mario World Map.

Two months in and here is my current progress:

I admit I didn't work on it much this month - I miscounted while doing the black and could not find where the error was for the life of me!  Consequentially it was chucked in the corner until I could bring myself to look at it again.

The good news is that as soon as I did pick it back up I found the error straight away!  As such it's full steam ahead to hopefully have a page finish for March!

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Stitch from Stash - February

Spent: $20
Earned: $8

Monthly total: $12
Overall total: -$59.55

My only spend this month was on a destash page for a bundle of aida/linen/evenweave/stitchables.  I don't have a great variety of fabric so it was a good way for me to get a bit of everything in some varied colours.

More to the point I EARNED this month!!!

Even more to the point it was my first finish EVER!!!!!!! (I do big projects, don't judge...).  I got fed up with the confetti in the Snow Queen so decided I should do one of my smaller charts for a change. 

As such, with out further ado, I give you Carpe Cakem by The Sunflower Seed!

Stitched on boring old white 18 ct aida in DMC.  I did substitute the french knots for delica beads though (I hate french knots) and I changed the "Yum" to "Nom" because that is how I roll.

It's 70 x 69 stitches (tiny by my monsterous standards) but that does mean it falls in the $8 credit category and counts as I have had it for over 6 months.

March does mean it's my birthday (yay) which means money for stash (bigger yay)!  The downside is I will be going back to my big projects so might not get a finish to try and creep back to credit.  Sadface.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Still stitchin'

Well I'm still alive and still plodding along with my projects (downside of doing BAPs is that updates are few and far between).

I've begun stitching the black outlines on page 3 of Mario World, but I've miscounted somewhere and for the life of me I cannot determine where.

As such I've put it down for the moment until I'm not so angry with it.

I was so angry I just HAD to start something least that is the excuse I'm going with!  It's HAED - Mini Snow Queen that I bought during the sale last month.  I haven't got a picture of it at the moment as I'm needle deep in confetti hell so there isn't a great deal to see :(

In other news, I have gotten back into sewing again since completing the massive Super Mario quilt I made for my sister.  Sewing 6,503 pieces (majority of with were 1.5 inch squares) kinda turned me off seeing my sewing machine for a while.  The end result was pretty awesome though:

The original design was from Cut To Pieces however I needed to make mine big enough for a queen size bed so I added a few blocks adapted from pixel charts.

My current sewing project is the Lucy Boston - Patchwork of the Crosses (POTC) quilt which I will be doing using the English Paper Piecing method.  So far I have cut the fabrics for one block...I just need to decide which way to use it!

I love how the different placements of the same fabrics yield such varied results!

Hopefully next update will feature some Snow Queen pics~

Monday 26 January 2015

Stitch From Stash - January

Spent: $97.55
Earned: $0 (my page finish of Mario doesn't count as I started it pre-Jan)

So I'm not very good at this...

In my defense HAED had a 50% off sale which om nom nom nommed $50.55 (damn exchange rate!).  However given I bought FIVE charts for that it's almost like I made money!  At least that is my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

Here is what I picked up:

The Snow Queen Mini - Ruth Thompson

The Witching Hour Mini - Lisa Parker

Color Me Blood Red - Marta Dahlig

Winged Companions - Anne Stokes

Tea - Anna Dittman

My other purchased came from a destashing group on Facebook.  They were a piece of 28 ct Jobelan in Oberon from Hand Dyed Fabrics by Stephanie ($12), a massive piece of 28 ct Lugana in Castle View from Silkweaver ($25) and finally five Watercolours by Caron threads ($10).

My aim for February and March is to spend nothing and finish everything!!!

Friday 23 January 2015

Stitch from Sta...

This was going to be my Stitch from Stash update but would you look at that HAED are having a 50% off sale...